Saturday, March 1, 2025

rsc2024 extended february

Haven’t done a lot of sewing in February. The hot weather we’ve been having really zaps my energy levels.

Typical weather for this time of year but it’s dragging on too long as far as I’m concerned.

Still working on the Granny Squares

Just starting to become a wee bit nervous about how these blocks will go once they are trimmed and those bias edges come into play. Wondering if it’s possible to sew a strip first and then trim it.

Made a couple of the Leaders and Enders blocks and I really like how they are turning out.

Well that’s all for now.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

RSC2024- extended-january


First block of the RSC2024 extension is done - light green.

Here’s my collection of blocks so far.

Five more blocks to make 
February - light blue
March - light brown/beige
April - peach/apricot
May - grey
June - dark pink/rose pink

Monday, January 20, 2025



Even though the RSC quilt isn’t finished,  I want to make a scrap quilt this year from what’s left in my modest scrap buckets (small plastic containers actually),

I’d seen some quilters write about leaders and enders as they made other projects and thought I might do the same.

So I made some test blocks to see if I liked the design. I do. Very much. So these will be a leaders and enders as I work on my other projects.

I already have 2.5 inch squares cut and a selection of 2.5inch strips left over from other projects. Most of them aren’t full fabric width either. Fabric selection will be  random. The block size is 12 inches finished. 25 needed for a 5x5 block lap quilt once there are borders or I might make a 6x6 with no borders.

Then, to make my day, a crafting friend was clearing out her cupboards and gifted me a bag of quilting fat quarters. Very generous and much appreciated.

Saturday, January 11, 2025


This year needs focus. 

There are too many unfinished projects around here. 

This top needs borders, then quilting and binding. Pattern is a version of Confetti Stars by Wendy Sheppard using Figtree Fabrics Breakfast at Tiffany’s.

More Granny Squares need to be pieced. Fabric is Fresh Cottons from Figtree Quilts. All the coloured squares are cut but more of the background fabrics need to be prepped.

This top needs the next round of borders. Pieces are cut. Need assembly.

Need to make a decision about how this top will be finished. Maybe just another wide border to make it a lap quilt.

This one is going to be scaled down from the original size.  The blocks are supposed to be set on point. Not sure if I still want to do that. Needs to be manageable for quilting. By me.

Including the RSC 2024 project that’s everything. More than I usually like to have unfinished but there you go.

Saturday, January 4, 2025



So Brown was the colour for October in the 2024 Rainbow Scrap Challenge. November and December were for piecing the blocks together and finishing the quilt.

I know, it’s January 2025 now. Just catching up. 

So I have 10 blocks and want 16 to make a quilt. Another six blocks are needed. Six more colours. 

Let’s extend RSC2024 into 2025. I plan to make the blocks in these colourways.

January -Light Green

February - Light Blue

March - Light Brown/Beige

April - Peach/Apricot

May - Grey

June - Dark Pink/Rose Pink (maybe)

That gives me time from July onwards to put the quilt together and get it finished. Hopefully.