This is Australian folk singer John Williamson's version of this terrific song...definitely my favourite Chrsitmas song.
I have included the words for those of you who may have trouble understanding his *accent*.
Click here or on the picture below to listen to the song. Be warned it's a big file...3.5Mb.
Merry Christmas!
It's December in Australia
Time to remember all the family
Christmas tree, native pine
Lights and tinsel, all entwined
Put a fairy on the top
There's Gran and Pa and Joan and Pop
Ham and turkey's organised
Won't the grandkids be surprised?
When Santa comes in big black boots
In the back of Jacko's Ute
Hey Santa’s really Uncle Peter!
It's December in Australia
Time to remember all the family
Gather around for a photo
Hang on Dad, where did Sam go?
I gotta get everyone in the picture
Oh here he is, come on Sam
Now say Cheese,
Wait a minute, Bubbles is missing!
Oh yum, yum pig's bum, Christmas pudding
All the ladies do the cooking
All the men are really slack
Slappin' each other on the back
How ya been Tangles, how was your year?
Might rain tomorrow, have a cold beer.
I hear young Greg’ is playin' fullback,
Guess he gets it all from you Jack,
Blah, blah, blah, blah.
Who’s for a game of cricket?
Oh it's December in Australia
Time to remember all the family
Gather around for a photo
Hang on Dad, where did Sher go?
Gotta get everyone in the picture
Oh here she is, c’mon Sher
Say Cheese,
Wait a minute, Annie’s not here!
Oh me not out, oh yes you are Nick
It's your ball, Max don't bowl too quick
Oh Nick has run off with the bat
After him across the flat
C'mon Cub you've had a bowl
Give the ball to Christie
Tom Tit, Pee-Wee, Brookie, Side Kick
You're on my side, grab the bat quick
Now he's run off with the stump
Better give that Nick a thump
Think I'll have another beer, hun
Oh it's December in Australia
Time to remember all the family
Gather around for a photo
Oh hang on Dad, where did Amy go?
Gotta get everyone in the picture
Oh here she is, c’mon Amy
Everybody now say cheese,
Wait a minute – Hettie’s not here
Oh see the goanna up the gum tree
He's gonna get a feed today free
When the campers leave the lake
Bits of chook and chocolate cake
It's Christmas time for him as well
See his big long belly swell
Oh it's December in Australia
Time to remember all the family
Gather around for a photo
Hang on Dad, where did Fox go?
I gotta get everyone in the picture
Oh here she is. C’mon on out Fox
Everybody say cheese
Hold it there now…
Got It!
Oh it's December in Australia
This beaut cartoon from Nicholson is a pretty accurate representation of my memories of childhood backyard cricket! Click on the image to see a larger version.
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