Sunday, June 9, 2024



Time for a new project and a technique I’ve never tried before. Foundation paper piecing. 

Happy to Be Scrappy is making an Arkansas Traveller quilt, hers is hand pieced and for the 2024 Rainbow Scrap Challenge. It’s a gorgeous quilt too. 

Then I saw Karen’s version over on her blog and that was it.  The quilt gods had spoken. 

My last paper piecing quilt (English paper piecing) took seven years to finish so this will be machine pieced. At least three points are right. Just about. 

There’ll be no unpicking as the stitch size is far too tiny and I can live with it being a bit off. Those of you who are more accomplished probably have a twitch in your left eye right now. Sorry about that.

The pattern for this comes from freshly  The Summer Sampler series. I’m using a jelly roll of Kansas Troubles Winter form many years ago so my blocks are slightly smaller. The foundation had to be resized to accommodate the jelly roll. To get a block that finishes at 12 and half inches you need to cut the diamond pieces 2 and five-eighths. My strips are 2 and half. 

I’ll get 16 blocks out of the jellyroll. Not sure if I’ll make extra scrappy blocks or use the leftover strips as a border. Plenty of time to decide.

It’s a bit weird putting paper through the sewing machine.


  1. I've always loved the look of paper piecing but have never attempted it. Your Arkansas Traveller is off to a good start. Looks tricky to me matching up those seams perfectly.

  2. I had not thought to paper piece this pattern but that is a good idea - I really had some trouble with the white pieces some just didn't seem quite the right size - my quarter inch seam must be different than some.

  3. Your seams are matching so much better than mine. I decided from a good distance, it won't show too much! (That's my story and I'm stitching to it!). Have fun.... I need to go pick my blues and cut out this months blocks.


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