Sunday, July 28, 2024



It was properly winter here in Sydney this weekend. Cold and wet on Saturday. Cold and windy on Sunday.

Perfect conditions for staying indoors and working on some projects. Quilting has started on the Arkansas Traveller. Mostly walking foot as the batting is a wool/polyester mix so a little too bulky to push around under the free motion foot.

This quilt sandwich has been pin-basted. I’ve found that the glue basting technique is not as effective on the wool batting. 

Figtree Quilts Fresh Cottons
This layer cake is the next in the stash that I want to use. Karensquilting posted the other day about her frustration with quilt patterns wasting so much fabric these days.

Agree. Especially when all you have is a layer cake. Too expensive to be cutting off unusable pieces. Looking round for a suitable project, Granny Squares kept popping up on my internet searches. 

At least it’s only the background fabric that is wasted. Not great but as it’s usually purchased on sale, discounted if you buy the end of the bolt or occasionally a good size piece from the remnant bin, not as bad. 

1 comment:

  1. You've been having proper winter while we've been sweltering through proper summer here. I'm not sure which is worse, but thankfully we have hearing (for you) and cooling (for me) that make indoor time bearable - for quilting! Nothing wrong with walking foot quilting and I'm sure it will look wonderful. I like the granny squares pattern and fabrics,but haven't had much trouble with wasted fabric in patterns. But I suppose I haven't done much quilting lately and I've been making up my own patterns when I do... I'll definitely be on the lookout for this in future projects now that you've mentioned it.


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