Click on each image to see a larger version. All seams are 1/4 inch unless otherwise stated.
Cut a piece of fabric 3 1/2 inches wide by 44 inches long then cut it in half lengthwise. This will give you two pieces 22 inches long by 3 1/2 inches wide.

Cut a piece of batting to exactly fit each handle piece.

Fold the fabric with the fabric right sides together and the batting on the outside. Pin to hold everything in place then stitch a 1/4 inch seam.

Turn the handles inside out and press with the seam along the centre.

Quilt the handles - this helps to make them stronger and stops the batting from breaking up - 1/4 inch apart. I followed the pattern of my fabric. You could also stitch 1/4 inch in from each edge and then down the centre.
To make the button loop, cut a piece of fabric 1 1/2inches wide and 6 inches long. Fold in half lengthwise with right sides together. Stitch a 1/4 inch seam and turn right side out. Press.

To attach the handles to the bag, measure in 4 inches from the each side of the bag and pin the handle in place matching raw edges and making sure the seam is facing towards you. Click on the [icture below to see a close up.

Mark the centre point of the bag and pin the button loop on either side of this mark. Baste in place using a slighter larger stitch about 1/4 inch away from the seam line.

Be careful to keep the other side of the bag clear of the needle.

You are now ready to make and attach the lining!
Happy Stitching