Saturday, September 26, 2015


You know you are close to the finish when the binding goes on a quilt.

With the weather turned wintry again (that taste of spring was just that) it's quite a pleasant way to spend the afternoon.

A quilt draped across my lap and tea in my new mug.

Isn't she pretty?

Maxwell & Williams Kensington Palace Rose


  1. Oh yes, your new mug is ever so is your quilt!

  2. It is wonderful to get the binding on!

  3. Wish I had a pretty quilt finish close by! I love the new mug. You know me and pink roses! ---"Love"

  4. It's nice knowing that every stitch you take in the binding is one closer to the magic FINISHED! Love the new mug-so Prince of Wales or Irish breakfast tea?

  5. Your new mug matches your lovely new quilt. Enjoy some quiet binding time

  6. Gorgeous mug Ann and that quilt is stunning. Hope its keeping you toasty while you are binding. Our weather has got chilly again to, I had to light the fire tonight.

  7. Very pretty on both fronts - the quilt and the china. Enjoy the binding and stay warm. Me.... my daughter was cold in the play room earlier and put the temp up to 90! Silly girl, no wonder I am sweating. Back down to normal AC temps and I'll just send her outside to the 90 degree weather the next time she is cold.

  8. I love your mug! We are starting to get our small tastes of fall. I am ready for winter. I hope you enjoy your spring!


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