Not so much here, but certainly in Blogland. There is so much quilting and sewing and blogging going on it's hard to keep up.
Liri has joined us as well as seventhsister26 and I've caught up with Jenn from Purpleheart Orijennals. Have I missed anybody? Please let me know.
Love asked me about a button for the APQ Bloggers. Well, here is my offering. To put this image on your blog, right click on the image and Save Image As . Then add a Picture Gadget via your Layout. The image is 15Kb (very small) and 220 pix wide. Just right for Blogger.
I've been back to work which I must say is seriously cramping my style. Nearly finished the quilting on Farmyard Stack. It s been fun! Free motion - stippling, loopy string, pebbles and stars. Just the last border to go but it's been too hot to sew.
Donations of cool weather will be gratefully accepted.

Those pebbles were quite difficult and used up so much thread!
I can't believe it's almost the end of January - where did the time go? I need to make a decision about my next Christmas project and there will be another Snowman block coming.
Happy Stitching!