I'd like to introduce you to a new blogger - Kelli from and then there's rustic. Kelli is a big fan of all things rustic and primitive. Log cabins, penny rugs, homespuns and plaids are among her favourites.
I'm looking forward to sharing her journey.

The lovely LeKa from LeKa Quilt has given me a friendship award. Thank you LeKa! I am enjoying your blog and projects as well as learning Norwegian (with a little help from Google Translator).
Did you know that the Norwegian word for fabric/material is *stoff*? That the English word *stuff* comes from the Old French *estoffe* - a quilted material worn under chain mail.
Now, the Normans (Norsemen) were Viking conquerors of Northern France. They also did a job on the Saxon English in 1066. See, I remembered something from my high school history lessons.
Okay, well I thought I thought it was interesting.