Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Make Welcome a new Blogger

I'd like to introduce you to a new blogger - Kelli from and then there's rustic. Kelli is a big fan of all things rustic and primitive. Log cabins, penny rugs, homespuns and plaids are among her favourites.

I'm looking forward to sharing her journey.

The lovely LeKa from LeKa Quilt has given me a friendship award. Thank you LeKa! I am enjoying your blog and projects as well as learning Norwegian (with a little help from Google Translator).

Did you know that the Norwegian word for fabric/material is *stoff*? That the English word *stuff* comes from the Old French *estoffe* - a quilted material worn under chain mail.

Now, the Normans (Norsemen) were Viking conquerors of Northern France. They also did a job on the Saxon English in 1066. See, I remembered something from my high school history lessons.

Okay, well I thought I thought it was interesting.


  1. Hi Ann...have checked out the new blog...isn't it those warm colours!!! Congrats on your Award...and thanks for the explanation of the words!!!Dzintra♥x

  2. Hi Ann! Thanks introducing us to 2 other blogs. I love rustic things too and already watch some other rustic/primitive blogs. Enjoyed the language lesson too. My grandparents were from Norway, and I only know a couple Norwegian rhymes. It interests me that there seem to be so many quilters in Norway and Australia! When I started blogging I came upon abyquilt and left a comment and I was amazed when I got a reply from her. It's so fun! One of my cousins is in Norway right now because her husband is filling a pulpit there for 6 months. Lucky her!

  3. I din't know that - about the "stoff" and "stuff" and "estoffe". Thank you!! It's so much to learn in blogland :o) I'm sorry that my english are't the best, both of the award's was for you to collect :o) And you deserve them both!!!

  4. I always find language and history interesting. It is part of how we came to be what we are after all.

  5. Oh yes 1066 William the Conqueror errr.. conquered England. King Harold died in Dover (?) with an arrow through the eye. They then created the Doomsday Book which is still around. Last time we ever got invaded :) I love British History
    Karen xx

  6. I've always loved English history too, and have read reprints of old books about textiles that mentions 'stuff' as a fabric - except when it's handwritten it looks like 'ftuff'. That f/s thing used to trick me!

    Kelli's blog looks lovely.

  7. Just love the "bears" and the verse. Beautiful.

  8. I checked out the new blogs and they are really nice. Thanks for sharing that, and all of the information, Ann!

  9. Congrats on the award.
    Loved the history lesson, I didn't know the info, so thanks.
    I will certainly check out the blogs when I get a minute.
    Take care Ann,


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