Sunday, April 14, 2024

rsc 2024 april


The colour for RSC 2024 this month is yellow. Not a colour I use very often so I was really scratching to pull this one together.

I’ve also started to pull other colours from the scrap stash for future blocks. Pink and blue should be okay. Aqua is going to be tricky. I don’t know if I’ll make brown if it’s on the list but I might make a brighter green block. I have enough black. Orange is going to be a problem too.

Let’s wait and see what next month’s colour will be, shall we?





  1. Those are beautiful blocks! You did well with the yellow. I think purple is my favorite though =).

  2. Your yellows definitely lean towards gold, but it makes a beautiful block! And I think you can skip or replace any color you want. It's your quilt! All together they're going to be fantastic and I love all the blocks you've made so far. You must have a wonderful, albeit small, stash.


Thank you for stopping by.