Thank you all for your delightful Christmas wishes!
I don't know about you but I enjoy those few days after Christmas when the hubbub has settled and there seems to be time just for me to spend as I choose.
The fridge is full of leftovers so the family pretty much feed themselves (constantly), there is plenty of chocolate to keep me fuelled and no seems to want me for anything. Bliss!
That means time in the sewing room and here is my December OPAM. It has been rather pleasant to work on all those projects I didn't finish in time for Christmas. Thank goodness my dearest friends have the patience of Job and know that when they receive their Christmas gift in March it is with the best of intentions!
There are a few UFOs on the to do list for 2010 but that's okay.
Before I forget, Unexpected Paths is hosting a post-Christmas give away. If you didn't receive as many presents as you would have liked then stop by and enter.
Happy Stitching